Backpack Safety Tips

atlanta chiropractors

Here are 3 backpack safety tips you should implement immediately to prevent back pain in your child:

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How to Improve your Posture in 30 Days


In this video I share an easy way to improve your posture in 30 days by using muscle memory. Muscle memory is a type of procedural learning where the brain forms complex neural pathways when an action is consistently repeated.  This allows you to perform certain activities without having to think about them.   Did…

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How to relieve upper back pain

Atlanta chiropractor - upper back pain

In this video I show you how to easily assess your posture in 2 seconds. Pain and weakness in the upper back area can lead to bad posture and I’ll show you 3 exercises you can do at home to relieve tension in that area. The muscles involved are the trapezius and posterior shoulder muscles.…

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