How to PREVENT Neck Pain, Shoulder Pain, and Tension Headaches

Atlanta Chiropractor - Neck pain relief

If you're a student or have a desk job, you've probably complained of neck pain, tension headaches, and a lot of tension in the shoulders.

Looking down for several hours a day can put a lot of stress on the neck muscles and the cervical spine. Over time this can lead to premature degeneration of the cervical spine and even put you at a higher risk for disc injuries.

To prevent chronic neck flexion and that pains that comes with it, a simple solution is to buy a copyholder. This allows you to read at eye level and maintain a more natural curve in your neck.

Click the play button below to see the video where I explain this.聽


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Hi! 馃檪 My name's Dr. Guevara and I want to thank you for visiting my page. I'm passionate about health and love helping people attain and maintain their optimal physical condition. Through my knowledge and expertise I've been able to help thousands of people get out of pain and my goal is to do the same for you. Connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

About The Author

Dr. Jose Guevara

Hi! :) My name's Dr. Guevara and I want to thank you for visiting my page. I'm passionate about health and love helping people attain and maintain their optimal physical condition. Through my knowledge and expertise I've been able to help thousands of people get out of pain and my goal is to do the same for you. Connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.


  • patricia

    Reply Reply November 20, 2015

    Hola buenas tardes. Disculpe lo felicito por sus video son de mucha ayuda, pero quer铆a saber q tipo de ejercicios son mejor para mi condici贸n. Tengo desalineacion y mal funcionamiento con danos en el tejido blandos en la parte de la nuca y la irritaci贸n del nervio. Esto me a causado hasta ahora dolor de cabeza. Mareos, dolor y punsacion de oido. Puede ayudarme disculpe yo radic贸 en tx… gracias espero su pronta respuesta

  • Donna Perrier

    Reply Reply September 15, 2016

    Can you suggest the type of office chairs (and what store I can buy them at) that would support the back the most when having to sit for 40 hours a week in front of a computer? I have worked many desk jobs and have not yet found the chair that has exceeded my ergonomical needs. Please advise.

    • Dr. Guevara

      Reply Reply September 17, 2016

      Hi Donna, I would suggest getting up every hour for at least 5 minutes and walking around or even just walking in place and moving your neck and shoulder.

      This will help to offset some of the stiffness and stress placed on your neck and back on a daily basis.

      As far as a specific chair, I don’t have one specifically to recommend because there are so many that say they have special bells and whistles but I believe the set up of your work station is what makes the most difference.

      Here’s the link to a pdf you can use, where I put together information about ergonomics and your workstation

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